Body lotions and fragrances

Body lotions play a vital role in the management of trimethylaminuria (TMAU) by addressing malodor associated with trimethylamine (TMA) accumulation. Low pH soaps and body lotions help restore the acidic environment of the skin, counteracting the alkalinity of TMA and minimizing its volatilization. By maintaining an acidic pH, these skincare products mitigate TMA's odorous potential, promoting a fresher and more pleasant body scent.

Furthermore, certain fragrances can effectively mask or neutralize malodorous compounds, providing additional odor control for individuals with TMAU. Fragrances containing citrus, floral, or herbal notes are particularly beneficial, as they possess natural deodorizing properties that help neutralize TMA and sequester volatile organic compounds (VOCs) responsible for malodor. Examples of fragrances with deodorizing effects include lemon, lavender, and eucalyptus, which not only impart a pleasant aroma but also aid in odor reduction by interacting with malodorous molecules.

In addition to their deodorizing effects, fragrances contribute to a sense of well-being and confidence, enhancing the psychosocial aspects of TMAU management. By incorporating fragrant body lotions into their daily skincare routine, individuals with TMAU can enjoy improved odor control and a heightened sense of self-assurance, fostering a positive outlook on their condition.

Last updated : March 2024

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